Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I'm still so caught up.
I can't get over him, and I'm not sure I want to.
I've decided that I'm going to talk to him about it, maturly.
Only problem, I have no clue what to say..
Our time apart has only made me want to be with him more..

Friday, January 26, 2007

I hate life.

Happyness is too temporary... I'm so tired.

He just wants to be friends..

talk about awkward...

so much for things getting better.

what the hell is my problem?

Monday, January 22, 2007

What ever happened...

To being happy..
I miss the simple things. I miss being truely happy. I really do.
I think I've found it, then it's gone again.. hopefully that's not the case now.
I think I've really fallen for him. I can't get him out of my head..not that I would want to. I find myself constantly wishing we could spend more time together and just to be there for him and make him happy... That's a big thing for me, making the ones I love happy.
Let's hope things work out.
Life at home mom's been kinda bitchy...and well, my dad is still his asshole-ish self.
I can't stand how horribly they play favorites. Take the past few days for instance...
My brother goes out w/ friends, stops by the house around 1-2 am and gets food out the freezer to go back out w/ them and eat, then comes home around 7am with a broken arm. What do they do? take him to the ER and not even say shit to him about being out all night. Tonight I go out w/ some friends to see a movie, which mom bitched about till I was picked up. I was 15 minutes late, so I called and was home 5 minutes after that. First thing when I walk in? I get bitched at about being a slacker with no fucking future and about how ungratful and irresponsible I am. So later tonight, I'm brushing my teeth, my bro's in his room. The folks come up to go to bed and what do I hear? not a word to me...however he gets" How's your arm? do you need anything? g'night, feel beter, love you" and " get some sleep, love you"
Not a fucking word to me.
I'm so sick of it.
I can't wait to get out...
I need to get out..
We have friday off..yay...I hope the long weekend means more time w/ him...I miss him..

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Greetings From Beyond the Shadows

I finally created one of these, with minimal urging and a small reccomendation of it's greatness .
So here is my awsome first blog, though it's gonna be short, because I don't have much to say at the moment.
My weekend was decent I guess..Friday was pretty sweet, hung out for a while then came home and watched TV till I fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up at about 3 and went to bed though..woke up, went o wally world w/ mom, came home to put everything away, and then drove to macarthur w/ her, where we got this super cool mirror that we have no idea where to put at the moment. On the way out of the parking garage, i notice my back tire is making noise, so I stop to look, it's low as heck! So I drive really slow till I get to campostella and put some air in it, get home and let dad check it, then went out to spend some time w/ friends. It was pretty sweet..I was home by 12:30 and watched tv till about 2 then got some sleep, woke up feeling lousy so I lounged around and looked through the paper. around 3 went to sears w/ my dad so he could make a payment and then to bestbuy so he could exchange something..I was busy looking for a new PC fan or something to spend my gift card on..
not much else a hot lead on a good gym to look into..
Need to start on that, find a job, and look for a prom dress.
So much to dooo, so little